Feature update

February product roundup

Paulina avatar
Shared by Paulina • February 29, 2024

February's been bustling at Surfer, and I've got the scoop just for you!

This month, we're giving you the reins with our powerful Writing Points in Surfer AI. Imagine crafting your article's outline with the precision of a master jeweler, adding sparkling custom knowledge as easily as pie. ✨

But wait, that's not all! Ever dreamt of Surfer speaking Swedish? Tack, your dreams just came true! Plus, our WordPress plugin is about to change your SEO life - think real-time guidelines as you type. Bye-bye, content workflow headaches! 🚀

Curious? I thought so! There's more where this came from, so dive into this treasure trove of updates and discover how to surf the SEO waves like a pro 👇

​P.S. Stick around for a sneak peek at what's next. Collaboration features? Custom tone of voice? We're just getting started.